Timbrook Kia
 Sales 888-452-2503
Service 888-616-1779
10210 Mount Savage Rd NW Cumberland, MD 21502
Today 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
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GAP - Guaranteed Asset Protection


GAP Insurance

The unexpected happens all the time. Peace of mind comes from being prepared for those moments when the unexpected happens to you.

Let's say you're driving to work one day and an accident happens. Your car is totaled. It was worth $30,000 when you first purchased it. At the time of the crash, however, its value had declined to $20,000. Your insurance policy will only cover the depreciated value, leaving you on the hook for the $10,000 left in the middle.

Nobody wants to keep paying for a vehicle in the scrapyard. That's why Gap insurance is such a no-brainer. Gap insurance is designed to cover the full, original value of your car. You wouldn't have a $10,000 bill leftover with Gap insurance policy backing you up.

Gap insurance is a sensible and affordable protection that can save you thousands of dollars when you need it the most. Watch this video to learn more!

Timbrook Kia Cumberland MD